How to Keep a Healthy Lawn

A beautiful lawn can make a big difference to the overall appearance of a home. Green grass adds greatly to curb appeal, but it can be an ideal that is difficult to achieve and to maintain. Fortunately, green lawn care doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Here are a few tips to help you keep your lawn looking green and healthy.


Assuming you’ve already done the steps to properly plant or install good grass, the first tip for keeping your lawn healthy is to water effectively. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should water daily. The key to a healthy, green lawn is to water deeply. This is done best by watering occasionally so that the water penetrates 4 to 5 inches into the ground. When the top 1 or 2 inches has dried out it’s time to water again. You can also measure how much water your sprinklers are delivering by setting out a pan and timing how long it takes to water one inch, since most lawns require an inch or two of water per week over 3 to 4 days. Additionally, watering in the morning rather than in the evening makes it less likely that mold or fungi will grow.


It’s also important to mow appropriately, which means keeping the mower at a high setting. Longer grass helps block out weed sprouts and allows the roots to grow more deeply. The ideal height is 3 inches, but some grasses will fare well at 2 inches if you prefer that look.


You don’t have to spend a lot of money to fertilize your lawn. The important thing is to fertilize at the correct time. Early spring fertilizing helps jump start root growth, while fall fertilizing helps repair damage and keeps the roots healthy throughout the winter.


Remove weeds as soon as you notice them by completely pulling out the root. This is the best way to control a few weeds. If you start to notice numerous weeds, you can use an herbicide as well. But the best way to control weeds is to keep your lawn thick so that there is no room for weeds to grow or get sunlight.


Aerating, which removes small plugs from the lawn, reduces soil compaction. Compacted soil can cause thatch buildup and disease. Aeration can be done in either the spring or the fall.


Thatch is organic debris that mats and accumulates between the blades of the grass and the roots. This can cause dead patches, so be sure to dethatch when there is a one inch layer of thatch.